About Us


Our History

Founded in 1988, Cornerstone Family Christian School has been serving families of Tuolumne County for more than 30 years. Cornerstone has guided families in navigating the logistics of homeschooling, equipped families to thrive in their home education, and has provided a community for Christian homeschooling families to connect, love, encourage, and support one another.

We exist to help you focus on the job of educating your children and nurturing a love for Jesus, while providing a legal and spiritual covering for our members.


Our Fee Schedule


New Families

Application Fee - $50

Earlybird Tuition (Before July 31) - $249

Tuition (After July 31) - $299

Returning Families

Registration - $15

Earlybird Tuition (Before June 15) - $249

Tuition (After June 15) - $299


While not a fee due to Cornerstone, we do want you to be aware that all Cornerstone members are required to maintain an active membership with Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Our members are eligible for a discounted membership rate. Find out more about HSLDA membership pricing here. Note: Cornerstone Family Christian School is in no way financially affiliated with HSLDA.

Learn more about HSLDA memberships


Statement of Faith

We require that all members be in agreement with our statement of faith.


We believe:


the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, and of supreme and final authority in faith and life (2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:20-21).


that there is only one living true God: an infinite, intelligent Spirit, perfect in all His attributes, one in essence but eternally subsistent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all equal in power and glory (Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:14).


that Jesus Christ is the express image of the invisible God, which is to say He is God. We believe that He became man, was without sin, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and that He died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for sin. We believe that He arose from the dead in the body in which He was crucified and that He ascended into heaven in that body glorified, where He is now, our interceding High Priest. We believe that He will return again personally, visibly, and gloriously (John 1:1-14; 20:1-9; 24-31; Matthew 1:18; 24-30; Hebrews 4:15; 9:15 & 28).


all humans are sinful by nature (Romans 3:23; 5:12) and can only be forgiven by the expression of trust in Jesus as Savior (John 3:16), brought about by the regeneration and transformation work of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7).


in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian can live a godly life (Romans 8:1-17).


that the family is the basic government, social and spiritual unit created by God. In it, the child gradually learns self-government, social relationship, and develops a relationship with the Creator and Savior (Ephesians 6:1-4 and Colossians 3:20). The family also provides protection from ever-extensive government and over- stimulating social environments.


“family” to mean a male and female with one or more children (Genesis 1:26-28 and James 1:27) whether related directly by blood, adopted, or under legal guardianship. We further recognize the exception of single parenthood.


the ultimate responsibility for the education of children belongs to their parents (Deuteronomy 4:1-9; 6:1-25). We believe this in an inalienable right given by God, which the State cannot create, destroy, or alter. Parents may allow one another to teach some of the cognitive information that all children need to know, but all education must be under the control and supervision of the parents. We believe that Christian education in the home is the best form of education for children.


that all education is religious in nature, since one’s own view of the world and life inevitably comes from learning (Proverbs 2:1-8; 3:1-2; 6:20-23 and Matthew 28:18-20). We believe that every discipline of knowledge (mathematics, science, history, etc.) will have as its final reference point a theistic or humanistic view of reality (Colossians 1:15-20; 2:8-15), and thus, there are no neutral academic disciplines. Thus, we believe that all social, physical, and cognitive knowledge should have as its foundation, the fear of God, and as its end the glory of God (Proverbs 1:7 and Romans 11:33-36).

We reject:


the anti-Christians tenets of secular humanism, including the general theory of evolution, one world government, government mandated sex education and government mandated parenting classes, modern feminist ideology, abortion, and euthanasia.


homosexual marriages or homosexual orientation because it is contrary to the Word of God, the Bible and the intentions of God in creation (Romans 1:18-32). We believe that such relationships are destructive to the individuals directly involved, destructive to children, and destructive to the very idea of family. We also reject transitory co-habitational (unmarried) relationships as being equally in violation of God’s laws and incapable of providing the long term nurturing and instruction needed by children as commanded by God (Proverbs 1:8-9, 2:1-3:12; Colossians 3:2 and Ephesians 6:1-4). In view of this, no homosexual(s) or co-habitating parent(s) are eligible for membership.



Member Responsibilties

We require that all members of Cornerstone Family Christian School agree to the following standards of conduct and responsibilities.



Both parents (legal, responsible guardians) must be in agreement for their child/children to be enrolled in Cornerstone.


Members are responsible for designing or obtaining a curriculum for each child that teaches the basic subject areas and meets the needs of each enrolled child per member family. Cornerstone members are happy to help by sharing their experience and what has worked for their families.


Members must present at all mandatory meetings (there are not many). Attendance is expected of at least one parent, however, both parents are strongly encouraged to attend. One excused absence per member family is allowed during a school year.


Members are responsible for submitting report cards and attendance logs with samples of work for each student, bi-annually. A late fee will be incurred when these are turned in after the assigned deadline. Late fees must be paid prior to attending future Cornerstone events.


Members must submit a non-refundable registration fee and tuition fee by the listed deadlines. Late fees are assessed when invoices are paid after due dates.


Members must show proof of membership with Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Our member families can get a discount on their HSLDA membership.


Parents are responsible for their children's behavior. Members are also encouraged to help monitor other children's behavior during Cornerstone events.


Modest and appropriate attire and behavior are required at all Cornerstone-sponsored activities.


All Cornerstone members must show respect for those in authority. Cornerstone members are encouraged to exemplify Christian love in all interactions at school activities in accordance with 1 Corinthians 13.


All member families are responsible for cleaning up after Cornerstone activities and events.


Members must show respect for all personal property and public facilities.


Members are expected to be punctual to all Cornerstone activities, as a courtesy to others.


All Cornerstone activities and events are non-smoking, non-alcoholic and drug-free.


No profanity or coarse jesting is acceptable at activities or events.


Cornerstone activities and events will not be used to facilitate dating or intimate boy-girl relationships.


Membership is required for participation in Cornerstone-sponsored activities and events, with exception as prescribed by the guidelines for specific activities. Although not required, member families are encouraged to participate in school-sponsored activities. Additionally, many school activities would not be possible without member families volunteering to lead or assist the activities. Your participation is invaluable to the other families.